SPEND $0.44 for Colton

Today I saw on a Twitter Group, “Twitter Moms”, which I belong to, a call for birthday cards to be sent to a young man who is turning 11 this month. He is battling cancer and may not see any of his teenage years, let alone 12. He already has a bucket list, at eleven. No one should make a bucket list at this age nor be facing such horrors, but unfortunately some do.
His bucket list was a wish for a birthday card from every State, he has a few so far, but not nearly enough. Here is the link to the twitter site where I found the information.
I believe if we do one good thing everyday, not only will we feel a little better but we will have passed the feeling of feeling better onto someone else, whether they needed it or not.
So tomorrow, after having sent out e-mails, twitters, facebook notices, and soon I am going back to tumblr.com to say something here too, I am spending $0.44, sending a birthday card to a little boy I have never met, but who touched my heart.
I hope you do the same. Knowing you made someone’s birthday special and helped make his bucket list complete, is all that really matters.
I raise my glass to you Colton and wish you many more birthdays.